20 Ways You Can Help Save Earth

There are lots of links in this post. Most are citations for the information posted. However, some of the links are affiliate links through Amazon. This just means that I might receive a little commission, at no additional cost to you, if you make a purchase and all the stars align.

About this time two years ago, I went to a local event called the Strawberry Festival with my brother and his family. As my brother and sister-in-law grabbed some food, I sat with my seven year old niece under a beautiful and expansive canopy of trees, just enjoying each other’s company and the beauty of nature.

At some point, the wind blew a soda can our way. My niece immediately said that we needed to pick it up. I advised her that there wasn’t a recycle bin but agreed that we needed to throw it away. She got up and threw away someone else’s trash.

When she sat back down she explained why she threw away the can: “This is the only planet we have. We’re not going to get another one.” Wow. This kid was seven and already understood the importance of preserving our planet.

a little girl with long brown hair and in a blue dreass overlooks the purple seat on a ferris wheel at the Strawberry Festival Busy Life Healthy Wife - Holistically create marketing that's effortlessly woowoo, effortlessly you
Looking up at the top of a tree with many green leaves as the sun sparkles behind them | Busy Life Healthy Wife - Holistically create marketing that's effortlessly woowoo, effortlessly you

She continued, saying, “I know that we need plants and animals for food, houses, and furniture, but we shouldn’t take more than we need. We should just use enough and not more than that. And that way everyone will have enough.”

We discussed deforestation, wastefulness, polluted waters, landfills, and more. I was a little surprised but also very proud of her because she is our future and she understands the urgency of these global problems.

This is the same kid that wanted a Christmas tree, but only if it was in a potted planter because she didn’t want to kill any more trees.


With today being Earth Day and all, I was reminded of this conversation and reminded to also think about what part we can all play in preserving and saving Earth. Here’s a list of both small and large things you can do to help save our planet. I’ve elaborated on each suggestion to provide better reasoning for the suggestion and for better implementation

I always thought, “well, if I just recycle or reuse my plastics, it’ll be fine.” But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Did you know that about 90% of plastics aren’t recyclable? [LA Times]

So what happens to all that plastic? Many of them end up in landfills, taking up to 500 years to breakdown [UN]. The rest? Some gets shredded and end up in our waterways, later being consumed or breathed in as microplastics [National Library of Medicine].

But don’t forget about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Not familiar with it? Oh, it’s just a collection of marine and other debris that is larger than the size of Texas! [CNN] And while this mass of plastics has become an ecosystem [CNN] , it’s not the only plastic garbage patch; it’s just the biggest. 

The majority of the plastics in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch are from marine plastics, like nets and fishing line. There are actually alternatives to many marine plastics, but they are more expensive and have not proven themselves in effectiveness quite yet.

However, you can still reduce plastic use by having reusable containers. 

I know that it’s easy to just grab a plastic water bottle and go about your day, but you could help save Earth and save yourself money if you instead fill up a reusable bottle before you leave the house. I use a Brita water pitcher at home, so I can ensure I have better tasting and quality water, and fill up my metal cup. I haven’t found a resuable straw that I like yet because they can get so icky and they’re hard to clean, but I’d love some suggestions if you have a straw you like to use.

Try opting for glass containers instead of plastic. Heating food up in plastics have been linked to cancer [BreastCancer.ORG]. Whether or not that true, I have found that my food last longer in glass containers with good lids versus plastic containers.

Sometimes you just can’t avoid using plastic because of how plastic dependent our society has become. That’s when it’s important for you to choose the right types of plastics, the ones that are more durable, and to choose when it’s appropriate  to use plastics and when it’s not. For example, I learned that the foam noodles for pools are not actually foam, which means they can’t be reused by Publix and other retailers that accept foam. Nope, they’re plastic and not a recyclable kind either. So, bye-bye pool noodles for my house!

Although not all facilities recycle everything we put into the bin, we should still recycle what we can.

It’s important to check what your garbage company allows you to recycle. You should always clean/rinse out any organic material before recycling (if possible). For example, most places allow you to recycle cans. Instead of just tossing that can of tomato paste in the recycle bin, make sure you wash it out first.

Just because something has the “recycling” triangle arrows on it doesn’t mean that it’s recyclable. It’s what the numbers say and what your recycling facility is able to actually recycle that matters. If you’re curious to learn more about the various recycling symbols and what they mean, check out this article from Recycle Now.

I have also found that most places will not recycle items that are really small or thin plastics because of the limitations of their machines. Most counties do not recycle shopping bags. However, I have found (at least locally) that both Winn Dixie and Publix will recycle them for you. Publix will also recycle styrofoam as long as it doesn’t have food in it. FYI, it takes 500 years for styrofoam to decompose [Colgate University].

There are so many ways to reuse the things you buy from the store. It’d be nice if we weren’t so reliant on plastics, styrofoam, and other materials. If you happen to purchase something and are not able to recycle it, think of creative ways to reuse it or donate it, so others have the chance to reuse what you no longer need.

The most common way cans and bottles are reused is by making planters out of them. You can breakdown styrofoam and make it into (essentially) bricks. If you have old, ratty tshirts, try making them into a quilt instead of just throwing them out. Additionally, there’s tons and tons of art projects you can do with your kids (or for yourself) where you use materials you already have around the house.

I just started making raised vegetable beds out of old plastic containers (but there are some issues with using plastic bins that I won’t get into here). I recently learned that you can even make raised garden beds out of wrapped cardboard boxes. (See the Youtube video below – not my video.) 

Although we like to think that water is an unlimited resource, it’s not. Clean water is becoming harder and harder to come by. In fact, according to National Geographic, 99% of the Earth’s water isn’t drinkable by humans OR animals, but we still drink it. Therefore, we really need to conserve what IS drinkable and try to clean what is not.

Something that I have actually started to do is to collect rain water for my plants. In an effort to reduce debris and mosquitos, I bought these covers from Amazon. They come in a pack of three. You’ll want to check your local area to see if you are legally allowed to collect rain water for non-potable uses.

In addition to collecting rain water, actually try to using less water. Don’t take a shower for an hour. Turn off the water while you’re brushing your teeth. If possible, get a washing machine and dishwasher that doesn’t use alot of water and is energy efficient.

I know that it’s easy to think that we just have the water we could ever need because when we turn on the tap, the water flows. However, that water comes from somewhere and that somewhere is the Earth. The water is coming from lakes, rivers, aquifers, etc in your area. But those things are drying up due to our over consumption of water and bottled water companies using them up too. And when the water dries up in those above ground waterways, that hurts the surrounding ecosystems. And when the water below ground dries up, that hurts the soil and the plants which also hurts the surrounding ecosystems.

Overall, just be more responsible and purposeful with the water you do use to continue saving Earth.

Many large corporations and factories put out large amounts of fossil fuels and carbon emissions, have chemical leaks, have chemical run offs, etc. In fact, this study cites 90 companies who have had the most impact on global climate change. (See the supplementary material for full list.)

A company that is sustainable is one that does not negatively impact nature or communities. Most of the ones that I have seen actually keep the survivorship of Earth in mind when they build their buildings, package their products, use their equipment, etc. There are different levels of sustainability, some even get a special badge they can display on products and on company websites.

One such badge is the “climate neutral” badge which means that the company will monitor their greenhouse gas emissions and do what they can do reduce them. You can find out more about climate neutrality here. Note: If a company has the “climate neutral” badge, it doesn’t mean that they are currently climate neutral but that they are working towards it. Personally, I think it’s a little misleading.

Either way, I think it’s better to go with companies that are at least trying to do better and are trying to think about the Earth.

I love the MightyFix. It’s a subscription box where they send you one full-sized (or at least not a sample), nontoxic and sustainable item every month, so you can make easy, small changes to live greener and healthier. I actually did a full review about them which you can read here.

It’s an inexpensive way to learn how to be more sustainable. We aren’t perfect, but we can learn to make better choices, and that’s what I like about the MightyFix.

The idea is that if you have products that draw electricity, you want to reduce the amount of electricity used because, unless you have a renewable form of energy, you are getting your electricity from your local power company. Only about 20% of American power is from renewable sources. That means that if your home and the products within it are using alot of energy, it’s creating a negative impact on the planet. One way to counteract that is to buy products that are more energy efficient.

According to EnergyStar.gov, “Products that earn the ENERGY STAR label meet strict energy-efficiency specifications set by the U.S. EPA, helping you save energy and money while protecting our climate by making choices that count for a clean energy future.”

They have actually created a giant list of Energy Star products for you to use as a reference, to get rebates from, and to just shop around.

Keep in mind that not all Energy Star products are the same. Some are Energy Star but have less features and functions. So, I definitely suggest buying Energy Star products but do your research first.

Some people have suggested that some of the older appliances actually use less energy because our energy grid wasn’t as strong back then like it is now. I’m not sure how true that is but it’s worth looking into if you have old appliances or are looking to buy a used appliance.

When you think of solar power, you’re probably thinking about the large solar panels on rooftops. But that’s not what I’m talking about. I mean, if you have that, that’s great.

Remember, the idea is to reduce energy usage as much as you can, right? Well, there are many small things that you might have outside that can run off solar.

When my husband and I bought a Ring outdoor camera, we opted for the solar power version. Why? Well, the solar power and the regular one both have batteries. But if you go with the solar power one, the energy to charge the battery is done by the power of the sun instead of electricity from our power company.

I have a ton of outdoor solar lights, everything from hanging fence lights to lighted pool globes to those walkway flame lights. All of those are solar powered.

I also saw that you can buy bigger solar panel pieces from places like Harbor Freight. If you are techy, perhaps you can convert something you already have that uses regular electricity to using solar power. I’m not techy in that way, but maybe I can see if my Dad or one of my brothers could do that for my pool pump. Wouldn’t that be cool?

Flower patterned solar light hanging on a fence and is lit up with a yellowy light | Busy Life Healthy Wife - Holistically create marketing that's effortlessly woowoo, effortlessly you
Two flame-like solar pool lights floating in a darkened pool with a pink, purple, and white beach ball behind them Busy Life Healthy Wife - Holistically create marketing that's effortlessly woowoo, effortlessly you

Living in a first world country, it’s easy to get swept up in the idea of buy, buy, buy. But you need to really look at if you will use something and if you need it.

I mostly find this the case with food. Sometimes I get the idea that I’m going to make this, this, and this, and will then buy the products to do that. Many of which are fresh produce. Then, for whatever reason, I don’t get to it or I forget about the food or something else ends up happening that prevents me from making all of the dishes. In the end, I have to throw out the produce or the meat that sat too long in the fridge. And it’s just a waste!

In addition, look at if it’s a one-time use product. See if you can find a reusable version of it.

There are alot of little things that we use in excess that we shouldn’t, like those little plastic straws. I’m bad about those because I can’t seem to get those reusable straws as clean as I’d like on the inside. (This caused me to get super duper sick once. Goodness, it was awful.)

I don’t wear alot of make up, but I know many people do. Instead of buying one time use makeup remover pads or those cotton balls, look into buying reusable makeup remover pads, like these.

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I live in the south where it gets hot as balls in the summer. I am someone who is naturally always hot (and the prednisone I’m on only makes it worse.) So, our AC is always on and usually at pretty low temperature. So, to reduce our energy use and, ultimately save our planet a little at a time, there are two main things you can do: use ceiling fan or attic fan and use either a humidifier or dehumidifier.

But to help us keep the AC temp a little higher in the summer without melting, we turn on all the ceiling fans. According to Ceiling Fans Direct, “Central Air Conditioning (AC) uses around 3500 watts of electricity per day, an AC window unit uses between 600 and 1500 watts and a ceiling fan uses between 30 and 50 watts, so it’s quite a savings!” So, if you live in a more mild climate, you could get away with just using ceiling fans and avoiding the AC altogether.

Attic fans are a bit of an antiquated technology, but one that I think that we should bring back. From what I understand, they used to be really common before the popularization of AC because they could literally cool a hot house down and make it fairly comfortable. There are mixed reviews about them online, but I personally know many people that had them when they were growing up and speak highly of them. The problem with the effectiveness of an attic fan lies in the construction and ventalization of your attic. So, before you go pay to get one installed, make sure that it’d really be worth it. [Constellation, Energy Star]

Sunny Florida (where I live) is quite humid. Humidity makes it seem hotter (or cooler) than it really is. So, using a de-humidifier for an hour or two can really make the house feel more comfortable and allow you to use less air/heat from your central heat and air unit.

Did you know that all of these things can also help you if you live in colder climates? Yep! According to Save on Energy, “In cooler months, your ceiling fan should be spinning clockwise at a low speed. Warm air naturally rises, and the gentle updraft created by this setting allows for the redistribution of warm air that tends to accumulate near the ceiling.” “An attic fan in winter can help prevent ice dams, reduce moisture in your attic during winter months, and prevent mold and mildew buildup due to moisture problems in the attic. [Attic Air].”

Bees, butterflies, and other pollinators are crucial to our survival. Did you know that nearly 1/3 of our diets depend on them? [Clemson]

There have been a lot of infections and natural disasters that have wiped out large quantities of bees. Between 2008 and 2013, there was a 23 percent decline in the US bee population [US Dept of Agriculture].

According to the US Forest Service, “Without pollinators, the human race and all of earth’s terrestrial ecosystems would not survive.” I’d say that’s a pretty big deal. So, without pollinators, we’d all be doomed (cue the DOOM song).

With so much land being cut down to accommodate the ever-increasing population and the goods that go with that, a lot of the flowers and plants have been cut down or sprayed. We need to make sure that we have enough pollen available for pollinators to pick up and carry on. We do that by planting flowers and plants that pollinators naturally gravitate towards. 

Instead of spending lots of money on these special flowers, you can honestly buy fairy large packs of pollinator and hummingbird seed packs from Dollar Tree. But it doesn’t hurt to splurge on a fancy pollinator plants either. I do both. I buy flowers for my backyard and front garden bed that are pollinator friendly. I then buy the seed packs for this tiny strip between my front porch and my driveway.

butterfly fluttering around blue flowers | help the planet | Busy Life Healthy Life holistically helping spiritual entrepreneurs create marketing content that's effortlessly them, effortlessly woowoo
Monarch butterfly is on a red milkweed plant | Busy Life Healthy Wife - Holistically create marketing that's effortlessly woowoo, effortlessly you

Remember what I said about reducing waste? Well, one way is to reuse your produce and other food scraps. There are a few ways you can do this. The main five ways are: 1. composting, 2. making broths, 3. making spices and seasonings, 4. creating beauty care products, 5. using the food in alternative recipes.

Composting is the natural way of taking organic matter and converting it to nutrient rich soil. Previously, you had to just have a compost bin out back that smelled to high heaven. But now you can have a small, low or no smell compost bin right on your kitchen counter and most are reasonably priced.

I actually just found out about this new food scrap trash can called the Mill Food Recycler. It’s not necessarily a composting trash can, but it still allows you to reuse your scraps. According to their website, “Composting is a form of biological digestion that breaks down organic material and takes weeks or months, not hours or days.” It continues, stating, “The food-recycling Mill kitchen bin isn’t a composting device. The Food Grounds that come out of the bin are still food, minus the water, bulk, odor, and ick. The bin is designed to conserve all the potential in your kitchen scraps – not break them down – so they can have a second life.” It is on the pricey side but they do seem to have payment plans and a renting option available. All scraps can either be saved for your home or be picked up to be used at farms.

If you have vegetable ends or peelings, you can take them, put them into a pot of boiling water, and let all the goodness soak up into the water for several hours. Drain the broth into some mason jars, date it, and wahlah! You’ve got yourself some vegetable broth. You’ll want to taste it along the way to see if you need to add any seasonings. This really depends on what scraps you used initially. It’s really not much more complicated than that. 

I put all my scraps in my crockpot, cover them with water with an extra inch or so, add seasonings, and let it heat on low for at least 8 hours, some times more. I like to add a little apple cider vinegar in mine too. Alternatively, if you have some chicken bones and skin, you can add those in with some seasoning to make some chicken broth or bone broth. Note: For bone broth, I usually char the bones and any meat left on them in the oven first at 400F for about 10-15 min. 

You can take some of your scraps and either dry them out or completely dehydrate them, then blend them, and store them in a small glass jar to use on your other food as seasoning. For example, you can take onion skins and dehydrate them in the oven or in a dehydrator. Then, blend them up really fine. If you have any of your old, glass seasoning container, you can put the (now) onion powder in there, and this homemade onion powder with taste so much better than the store bought kind.

I have discovered that some of the food scraps that I thought were no longer usable is actually edible, just not in its current form. For example, did you know that your watermelon rinds can become kimchi? Or that you can make “bacon” out of banana peels? Well, you sure can!

I don’t know alot about beauty products, much less ones made from food scraps, but I have seen some interesting ones pop up from time to time. If you have an over-ripe avocado, you can make a hair mask. (I’ve actually done this one before.) Supposedly, banana peels can be used to help brighten your skins and reduce wrinkles [See YT video].


Remember, a reduction of energy means a reduction of greenhouse gases. Did you know that around 75% of the power used for home electronics and appliances is consumed when the devices are turned off? [Energy Star] How crazy is that?!

In other words, if you’re not using it, turn it off or unplug it. Of course, there are somethings that have to stay plugged in, like the stove and refrigerator. But you can unplug your laptop or phone charger when you’re not using them.

And, yes, in the grand scheme of power use, this change won’t make a giant impact, but it all adds up. Y’know?!

This one is pretty straight forward. There are many great benefits to growing your own food.

For one, you get to decide what produce you have. For anything that you may have extras of, you can jam, can, powder, dehydrate, or preserve in other ways. This will allow it to last you into the winter months and beyond.

You also get to know exactly what pesticides (natural or not) are used on the food you’re consuming. This is huge since so many companies use chemicals that are known carcinogens. (yikes) You are able to control the entire growing process.

By having a garden, you’re helping to reduce our excessive carbon footprint. According to NASA, “Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere warms the planet, causing climate change. Human activities have raised the atmosphere’s carbon dioxide content by 50% in less than 200 years.”

The more gardens we have, the more we are able to help animals and insects. If you have some farm animals, you can grow food for them too. Alternatively, you can create gardens just for wildlife and birds. Not only that, your plants can be beneficial to the pollinators who are currently declining in population due to our booming growth and the cutting down of plants that they’d normally feast on.

This seems like a no-brainer to me, but I guess it’s not. Not only is trash lying around unsightly, but it can also negatively influence how plant life grows, if it is able to grow at all.

Depending on what the trash is, it could potentially cause problems chemically as it breaks down and its components become part of the soil (and therefore part of the ground water). [Tiny Tins Waste Management]

Animals might also try to eat or live in trash that is not safe for them because they just don’t know any better.

Where I live, dumping is really bad. It’s mostly because there is a huge homeless population here, and most of them just leave trash all over the place. But there are also people that just suck. I went to the Perdido River Wildlife Management Area a month or so ago. While most of the area was amazing and beautiful, there was this huge pile of trash by the boat launch area. For things like this, you can report dumping by calling your local law enforcement and/or asking your local trash company to pick it up or what to do.

Sometimes, we’re limited as to what we can do in saving the planet due to what others are allowed to do. That’s where we can write the heads of companies and politicians. 

Politicians are elected officials. Therefore, they should want to listen to their constituents and take appropriate and related actions, so they can get re-elected either in the same position or a better one.

Before you reach out to your local, state, or federal leaders, I suggest looking into the laws and environmental issues where you live. Find the ones that are the most important overall or the most important to you.

Simply complaining about climate change and saying that things need to be done doesn’t solve anything. You need to figure out some possible solutions. Sometimes our suggestions can result in even better ideas.

Most elected leaders have either an email or contact form accessible on their website. (But sometimes this means that you’ll end up on their email list.)

You can also send a message to your water or power company, the local building commission, and other prominent institutions in your area. I wrote a letter to my parent’s garbage company, telling them how and why they should start a wide scale recycling program, including explaining how much money they could bring in. I cited the most relevant information, so they knew that I wasn’t just talking out my ass.

Back when the BP oil spill hit the Gulf Coast, I wrote President Obama and got a reply. Here’s a copy of what I received via email:

Dear Friend:

Thank you for writing to me about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.  I am going to stand with the people of the Gulf Coast until they are made whole, and I appreciate your perspective as we continue to do everything we can to address this crisis.

The Gulf is one of the richest and most beautiful ecosystems on the planet.  For centuries, its residents have enjoyed and made a living off the fish that swim in its waters and the wildlife that inhabit its shores.  The Gulf is also the heartbeat of the region’s economic life, and this oil spill has upended whole communities.

My Administration will continue to leverage every resource at our disposal to protect coastlines, to clean up the oil, to hold British Petroleum and other companies accountable for damages, to begin to restore the bounty and beauty of this region, and to aid the hardworking people of the Gulf as they rebuild their businesses and communities.  For information about response efforts, how to help, or available assistance, I encourage you to visit www.WhiteHouse.gov/deepwater-bp-oil-spill, www.doi.gov/deepwaterhorizon, or www.epa.gov/bpspill/. Small businesses may also find resources by visiting www.sba.gov or calling 1-(800)-659-2955.

Thank you again for contacting me.  I encourage you to visit WhiteHouse.gov to learn more about my Administration or to contact me in the future.

Barack Obama

To be a part of our agenda for change, join us at www.WhiteHouse.gov

But you don’t have to just contact people in power. If you have followers or customers, let them know how passionate you are able saving the planet and see if they will help you do it.

When you buy second hand, whether that’s clothes, furniture, etc, you are able to slow down the massive growth of landfills and helping to save Earth. I mean, landfills are just a waste (no pun intended) of space, but that’s a conversation for a different time.

The less “new” products we buy, the less factories have to produce which reduces chemical run-off, green house gases being emitted, etc.

Plus, have you seen some of the awesome things people have created from second hand products? Whoa. 

I’m a little crafty, but I’m not THAT crafty. My mother-in-law likes taking a mix of old jewelry and filigree and transforming them into “new” jewelry pieces, belt buckles, signs, and bouquets. Below are two of her creations

purple and white fake flower bouquet with silver jewelry and filigree and fake pearls for a wedding | Busy Life Healthy Wife
Photo by Freshly Bold Photography
A large B on a stylized board. The B has a mix of antique jewelry, gemstones, and filigree glued onto the B to make it a gorgeous statement piece for a wedding or home. It is lying on a purple table cloth | | Busy Life Healthy Wife - Holistically create marketing that's effortlessly woowoo, effortlessly you
Photo by Freshly Bold Photography

Those thin plastic bags aren’t recyclable, although some places do recycle them, as I mentioned earlier. They also take a long time (10-20 years minimum) to break down.

I don’t know if you’ve used a plastic shopping bag recently, but they make them so thin that they barely hold anything or they break easily. The reusable shopping bags are much stronger than the thin bags they use now days. Many clothing stores give out reusable bags as gifts. You can also purchase resusable bags at most grocery stores and even Dollar tree. Because their sturdier, you can keep them for so much longer.

But you have to remember to actually bring them into the store with you.

Deforestation is a huge problem that affects the local wildlife both in those forests but also in nearby water sources and surrounding areas. This, in turn, affects local and international resources and economics. How much deforestation occurs every year? Well, about 10 million hectacres. That’s a heck ton of deforestation!

Just like with gardens, planting trees can help combat CO2 emissions.

But planting trees does more than that – it gives refuge to so many birds, bugs, and other wildlife. I just love going outside and seeing all that nature has to offer. It’s so peaceful and relaxing.

When you plant trees, you can create more shade in your yard or even use a branch as swing.

Trees can also act as a natural buffer for extreme weather, among other things. Learn more about the benefits of planting more trees here.

I have found that Walmart will actually do sales on tree saplings certain times of the year. I purchased (I think) a grape tree for $4, but it could’ve been my blackberry bush. Either way, it was half off. I’ve seen similar sales for larger trees there too. Around Earth Day and Arbor Day, the bigger home improvement stores usually have a sale on seeds, saplings, and trees. I’ve even seen BOGOs.

You can receive free trees from quite a few places: 1. When you sign up for a membership with Arbor Day, you get 10 free saplings. 2. If you have a child, you can get a free tree for them to plant through Neighborhood Forest. 3. Your state or county might have a free tree program. 4. Check your local news stations and radio stations to see if there are any tree giveaways. 5. Sometimes big companies will give out free trees for either Earth Day or Arbor Day.

Tree arch above a Mobile Alabama street with great big, mossy branches | Busy Life Healthy Wife - Holistically create marketing that's effortlessly woowoo, effortlessly you

Plastic pollution and other wastes are a huge problem for marine life. 

There has been an alarming increase in sea life beaching themselves in recent years. Animals normally beach themselves when the water they’re living in is no longer inhabitable or they feel threatened. (Note: Some species just do this from time to time, naturally.) According to Fauna & Flora International, “It is estimated that marine plastics are contributing to the death of more than 100,000 marine mammals every year.” That’s so many!

When cans, plastics, etc are left in and around our waterways, turtles, crabs, and other animals can get stuck or injured. I’ve seen so many videos of these heroes cutting off old nets and plastic can holders off larger marine mammals and sea turtles. I’ve seen hermit crabs using old cans and other trash as shells. But sometimes no one is there to help these poor animals and they either have a harder life or they die.

Don’t forget about the floating garbage patch that is mostly composed of marine plastics, like nets. If we were able to cleanup water ways, we could help prevent even more floating garbage patch and their negative impacts on the environment.

There are usually national and local beach clean-up days if you’d rather go with a group. International Coastal Cleanup has teams all over the world who host beach clean-up days (see map). MrBeast partnered with #TeamSeas to help clean up one of the dirtiest beaches. But you don’t have to be part of an organization to help clean up water ways. Heck, when my family and I go to the beach, we carry a little bag with us for our trash and then pick up anyone else’s we see around us. It’s not much, but it does help.


three birds walk across the beach sand as a wave retreats Busy Life Healthy Wife - Holistically create marketing that's effortlessly woowoo, effortlessly you
Lily pads lay on calm water | Busy Life Healthy Wife - Holistically create marketing that's effortlessly woowoo, effortlessly you

That concludes the list of 20 Ways to Help Save Earth. It’s not about changing all at once. It’s about doing a little here and a little there. The more conscious we are about how we go about our lives and about how that affects our planet, the more we can do to protect, preserve, and eventually save Earth. Do your part and spread the word. Together, I believe we can make a big impact.

Here’s this list simplified, so you can save it to your phone or computer or print it out the PDF:

20 Ways to Help Save Earth listed on a green geode background with white lettering and leaves for bullet points - page 1 | Busy Life Healthy Wife - Holistically create marketing that's effortless woowoo, effortlessly you
20 Ways to Help Save Earth listed on a green geode background with white lettering and leaves for bullet points - page 2 | Busy Life Healthy Wife - Holistically create marketing that's effortless woowoo, effortlessly you

What suggestions do you have to help protect, sustain, and preserve Earth? Leave a comment and let us know.


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freshly planted flower garden | Busy Life Healthy Wife - Holistically create marketing that's effortlessly woowoo, effortlessly you
Life Advice

20 Ways You Can Help Save Earth

We only get one planet, so we should do what we can to reverse the negative impacts of others, preserve what’s here, and heal what’s damaged. Here’s a list of 20 ways you can help save the world.

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Litter robot 3 in a bathroom with brown cabinets and a container of cat litter next to the litter box which is situated next to a roll of toilet paper | Review of Litter Robot 3 | Busy Life Healthy Wife

Litter Robot 3 Review

Is the Litter Robot 3 really worth it? And what should you know about this automated litter box before you buy it? Find out here.

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How Do You Meditate?

Meditation is a fantastic way to relieve stress and anxiety and work through any mental, emotional, or spiritual barriers. But how exactly DO you meditate? That’s ultimately up to you, but I do provide 5 different ways you could meditate.

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Clean Living Companies

My Review of The Mighty Fix

The MightNest created the MightFix, a monthly product subscription, where you’ll receive a full-sized, sustainable item each and every month.

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pink themed food table backlight by a big window that has puff balls hanging in it and cute onesies haging above it | 12 Steps to Hosting the Perfect Baby Shower by Busy Life Healthy Wife
Family and Parenting

12 Steps to Hosting the Perfect Baby Shower

If you are lucky enough to host a baby shower for a friend or loved one, making the shower run as smoothly and as efficiently as possible with as little stress and financial obligation should be your top priorities. Well, that, and ensuring that the mom-to-be has a great time!

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